Being a live performer is a wonderful experience and one that I have enjoyed myself. Many people, of all ages, make their living as a wide variety of performers.

When you're on stage, you need to demonstrate to your audience how professional, passionate and talented you are. You do this by rehearsing your performance, stage presence and purchasing reliable professional equipment so you look and sound fantastic when you're performing.

So, how do you go about recording all your hard work and professionalism in order to present it to your future potential audiences and promote yourself? You take photographs, don't you?

However, it is usual that live performances take place under very challenging lighting conditions for photography and, to get results that portray, accurately, the essence of your performance, a professional photographer, skilled in this type of photography, is required.

You wouldn't dream of using sub-standard equipment on stage, so, why would you settle for inadequate photography to represent your livelihood?

You've invested your time and energy in developing your performance, so, it's worth investment to represent your craft and capture the moments for your own pleasure, your agent's portfolio and your online presence to raise your profile.