Exciting photography news is coming soon! It will blow you away!

August 7, 2018 Graham

The first photography news to impart is that our principal photographer, Graham, is recovering well from his major surgery. Nevertheless, work has not stopped as there’s plenty for an active mind to do even in a recovering body……

Whilst a great opportunity presented itself to take on more training to further develop our skills in different areas, it has allowed us to consider future business development opportunities. This new development we have for you is a cracker fitting with our on-going company continuous improvement philosophy and mindset to ensure our business offering goes from strength to strength to benefit our customers.

Blurt It Out!

It would be easy to blurt out what it is but, it’s not quite ready to show it to you. So, we’ll try to keep a lid on it and you’ll have to be patient. Suffice to say, that in addition to our current services, this will benefit all businesses immensely, however, we believe there will be significant added value, particularly, to small to medium sized businesses from all sectors (SME).

So, keep watching this space, contact us or, better still, place a Like on our Facebook page so we appear in your newsfeed and, then, you won’t miss the announcement when it comes!

It will blow you away!