Notre Dame de Paris, Remembered.

April 16, 2019 Graham
Events that left the gargoyles wondering what happened…

Notre Dame de Paris Fire

After visiting Paris in May 2018, one of our must do visits was Notre Dame; in fact, we went there twice on two consecutive days. One day, we climbed the narrow, ever winding, stairway to the top. The firefighters would have had to climb these stairs with their equipment; it’s no joke, I can tell you!

Photographer’s Tale

There are photographs that require immediate attention and there are those that have to be last in the editing queue. This is usually personal holiday shots at the back end of the queue. Our trip to Paris was no different in that respect and, whilst a few select shots were edited at the time, the majority sat on the hard drive waiting for the time that never arrived.

Devastating Fire

The events of Monday, April 15, 2019 in Paris had us all gazing, in shock, just as the Parisians did, at the news footage on our TV screens. This morning, I was compelled to edit and produce the images I took involving Notre Dame de Paris. As I was editing, I couldn’t help wondering if the objects in my images still existed on Tuesday, April 16, 2019…

I’ve published a selection of images to enjoy below which will help you appreciate the devastating loss this fire has delivered to the French nation and their history.

Click on any image to enlarge and scroll through at your leisure. We’d love to hear your comments in the box below this blog post. If you would like to see more images of Notre Dame, let me know in the comments and I’ll put a full gallery together on the website or, if enough people request it, I’ll produce a mobile Web App dedicated to Notre Dame.

1 Comment on “Notre Dame de Paris, Remembered.

  1. These are wonderful images but, given what has happened recently, they are now wonderful and precious images!

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